Monday, May 24, 2010

Journey of the Mouse

The best games are simple, and easy to play. There's no need to complicate things, and one of the easiest and best games to come around is Journey of the Mouse.

The flash based game, Journey of the Mouse is simple enough to pick up and play, and best of all it's free. You guide a mouse through a maze to collect cheese. Along the way you can pick up gifts, fruit, and surprises that will give you points. After each level you can use your points to purchase upgrades, and movements that you can utilize on the next levels.

The game moves fast from easy to difficult, and throws some obstacles in your way. You'll have to carefully guide your mouse through tight areas without touching any walls, as they are electrified, and avoid the spinning knives that will cut the mouse.

The game Journey of the Mouse is addicting, easy to play, and doesn't require a whole lot of learning. The goal is simple, get your mouse to the cheese, avoid traps, and win big. While the premise and execution of the game is easy, you'll soon find out that as you start to get comfortable with winning, the game gets progressively harder and guiding your mouse from point A to point B takes some careful motions, and timing. Much like all the great puzzle games of the past, Journey of the Mouse is easy to pick up, hard to put down, and very difficult to master and defeat. You'll most likely come back and play often, as it is one of the most addicting games online.

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